[Solved]Error: Sorry, you don’t have a license to edit documents with Word online. Please contact your administrator.

I have been going through some deep-dive with the Office Online Server since past few weeks and trying to create a bug as well solve the issue that I face. Over here I have been sharing a knowledge on how did I fixed the issue ‘Sorry, you don’t have a license to edit documents with word online. Please contact your administrator.’


Whenever I tried to Edit the attached word document on my Online Web Browser, I find the issue saying that ‘Sorry, you don’t have a license to edit documents with word online. Please contact your administrator.’ As of my knowledge we don’t require any license or don’t need to put license while installing Office Online Server. So, what can be the issue??


So, first I logged into my Office Online Server and checked if there is something missing with the configuration with the cmdlet below.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm

Here I saw that ‘EditingEnabled’ has been false with the configuration. So to get fix it, I turned it to be ‘True’ using below cmdlet.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -EditingEnabled:$true

And when I login back to my Outlook Web Apps and tried to edit the document. It is now working…

The issue was just ‘EditingEnabled’ was set to False. I hope this blog has helped you to resolve the issue. Please keep commenting if there is any issue with OOS. 🙂


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