Tag: Exchange Online

Unlocking the Power of Message Recall in Outlook Online: A New Era of Email Management

In today’s fast-paced digital world, email mistakes can happen. A mistyped email, an unintended recipient, or sensitive information sent by accident can lead to stress and potential repercussions. Microsoft has revolutionized email management by introducing the much-anticipated Message Recall feature to Outlook Online. This update aligns Outlook Online with its desktop counterpart, making email communication

Configure DKIM Exchange Online

Security has been major concern and email has been one of the most vulnerable application. Anyone inside the organization who has been block with internet can also be penetrated with email. And as of today, technology, creating spam/spoof email or email with malware has been too easy. So, to make your email more secure office

Disabling Basic Authentication on Exchange Online

Basic authentication provides a well basic level of security for your client application. Although this is not recommended due to vulnerabilities and exploits that can simply expose the user password. Some exploits like Password spraying attacks and Brute Force attack. It was on the roadmap of office 365 for Disabling Basic Authentication on Exchange online.