Private Channel in Microsoft Teams

Creating Private Channel in Microsoft Teams was one of the most request feature that customer was looking after. There might a Team working on the specific project but want to keep some of the conversation and decision confidential sharing only with few of the team member. Now the Private channel option on Microsoft Teams can

NEW!!! Office Mobile App

This has been quite long asking by the customers saying if they can have a unified application as of desktop application in mobile devices… Earlier we use to have separate app for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. There might be a lot of question saying it is quite simple to combine all these apps in

Configure DKIM Exchange Online

Security has been major concern and email has been one of the most vulnerable application. Anyone inside the organization who has been block with internet can also be penetrated with email. And as of today, technology, creating spam/spoof email or email with malware has been too easy. So, to make your email more secure office

Org-wide Teams Availability

As MS Teams has been one of the Star app of Office 365. There has been a lot of updates getting released every month. And we are very excited to use every one of them in our Production environment. One of the most awaited functionalities in the MS Teams was for the Org-Wide Teams Availability,

Switch Office 365 Office update Channel.

There has been a lot of cool feature of Office 365 Office package getting launched since last few years beyond the traditional office package. Even we compare today traditional office 2019 package with latest office 365 Office package. We will find Office 365 office packages do have more cool stuff than of traditional one. And