Category: Blog

Exchange Server 2016 Architecture

Here in this blog we are discussing about the Exchange Server 2016 Architecture, unlikely the older version of Exchange server, Exchange 2016 is quite different. As described on our previous blog, On Exchange 2016 Architecture has been modified and that Single BOX is accumulated with CAS, HUB Transport and Mailbox know as Mailbox Role and

[How to] Create shortcut using VBS script

After a long time I am again back to my blog….it has been almost 2 months I was on vacation. Now just returned to my normal life. Few days ago, I have an issue of creating a automatic shortcut on the desktop of the machine which was the member of the domain. I Struggle with

[Solved]convert .vbs script to .exe

Previously I was working on some blog that refers to how to give the elevated privilege to the normal user for using some specific application. It was quite tricky but too much useful to me. I have been working on one local project of the college on which I have to design these things and